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Project No: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078836
November 2020 to October 2022
Digital Literacy is increasingly becoming an essential life skill and the inability to access or use ICT has effectively become a barrier to social integration and personal development.
The VINYL WARRIORS project proposes to develop an embedded learning training programme for seniors that encourages them to recover their musical youth. In the course of the project activities, participants will learn key digital skills to enable them to record in audio and video the musical performance they enact. In this pilot phase, a minimum of 20 seniors in each country will be engaged in producing the proposed musical performance and building their digital skills.
P1 Ballybeen Women’s Centre – UK (Coordinator)
P2 The Rural Hub - Ireland
P3 Speha Fresia -Italy
P4 IFES – Spain
P5 Solution – France
P6 ZDUS – Slovenia
P7 Skills Elevation - Germany