Grundtvig Learning Partnership – Dance of the Creative Hands
Project Partners
Turkey – Kas Public Education Centre
Greece – Union of parents Association of the First Thessaloniki Area
Austria – Nohrer-Verlag
Austria-Germeinde St Johann in der Haide
Northern Ireland – Ballybeen Women’s Centre
Project Aim
The aim of this 2 year learning partnership is to enable participants from the partner countries – Northern Ireland, Austria, Greece and Turkey to learn traditional and recycling crafts from each other’s countries as well as experience different cultures and societies.
Each country will host 2 visits. During the first visit learners will be taught a craft from that country which they will then take back and teach to other learners in their own country. During the second visit learners will bring products they have made to display in an exhibition and take part in a number of cultural activities.
Activites to Date
January 2010 - 3 women and 2 staff from BWC travelled to Hartberg where along with participants from the other partner countries were taught the craft of felting.
February - March 2010 - 4 workshops were organised in BWC and 15 women were recruited from the local area. The 3 learners demonstrated the art of felting and assisted the women to make felt. They produced various items such as bags, necklaces, shoes, cases for mobile phones and glasses etc.
May 2010 - Return visit to Hartberg. 7 women from BWC attended the second transnational mobility to Harberg . They brought items that they had produced from felt for inclusion in an exhibition and took part in several cultural events.
September 2010 - 3 learners travelled to Thessaloniki where they were taught how to make mosaic from coloured glass tiles.
October 2010 - Workshops were held in the BWC to teach the craft of mosiac to 15 women who made a variety of mosaic designs.
November 2010 - Return visit to Thessaloniki. 2 learners took items of mosiac for inclusion in an exhibiton. They also took part in cultural events.
February 2011 - BWC hosted their first workshop. 17 learners and teachers from Kas, Thessaloniki and Hartberg participated in workshops that taught egg decoration and peg loom weaving. The group also enjoyed a trip to the Ulster Folk Museum.
May 2011 - BWC hosted their second visit with 19 learners and teachers participating from the partner countries. They brought with them crafts which they had made as part of the project which were exhibited in Castlereagh Borough Council Administrative Offices which was opened by the Mayor.
June 2011 - The final project meeting took place in Kas Turkey. Co-ordinators from the partner organisations brought with them crafts which had been produced during the project for a final exhibition at Kas Public Education Centre. This was offically opened by the Governor of the region.