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Project partners:
1. Romania Society for Lifelong Learning (SREP) (Coordinator) - Romania
2. Ballybeen Women’s Centre —Northern Ireland
3. AKLUB — Czech Republic
During the last few years there has been considerable progress by EU countries in adopting laws to support equal opportunities for men and women. However in reality women do not participate in political life to the same degree as men. The percentage of women members of Parliament varies between countries:19% in the UK, 15% in the Czech Republic and 10% in Romania.
Project Target Group
This project will target 15 young women aged 16 to 35 years from the partner countries of Romania, Northern Ireland and Czech Republic.
Project Aims
To increase participation of young women in political life by changing attitudes, raising knowledge, confidence levels and self-esteem.
Project Activities
Each partner organisation will:
Key Outcomes
Visit the project website for more information: http://www.srep.ro/ctc/
This project is co-financed by the European Commission within the Europe for Citizen’s Programme, Actions 2; Measure 3.