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DREAM in short…
The project “DREAM: Dynamic Reinforcement for European Adaptation of Migrants” has the aim to reinforce the migrant integration provision through exchange of experience on priority integration areas and spread results of successful initiatives through a EU-wide network of stakeholders.
Organisations from nine EU countries (Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, UK, Czech Republic, Italy and Greece) are working on the DREAM project at transnational level in order to support the realization of the EU priorities and policies on migrant integration through researching, identifying and exchanging good practices and experiences which address the Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy in the European Union (CBP).
DREAM is developing a comprehensive database of good practices at EU level focused on migrant integration enhancement through education. The database will provide valuable experience on effective methodologies for integration and work with migrants addressing needs related to better social, cultural and economic integration.
DREAM aims to:
Project Partners: