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The Pre school operates five mornings a week from 9.15am to 12 noon. The Highscope programme is used in conjunction with the curriculum set by Deni in the Pre school Curriculum Guidance Document. Through the curriculum, in theory and practice, we support each child’s capacity to develop individual talents and abilities through ongoing opportunities for active learning. Through observations and recordings we can identify any problems or gaps in learning. We can then direct parents to the relevant professionals.
The Pre school has recently had an extension built which is bright, spacious, very attractive and easily accessible for wheelchairs. It is being used to promote curriculum areas such as science and technology, knowledge and appreciation of the environment through the use of experimental equipment and environmental materials.
Parents are welcome at all times and are encouraged to come into the Pre school at the end of each session to value their children’s work, discuss progress with staff and share learning experiences. We recognise and respect parents as the child’s first educator and that a huge amount of learning has already taken place at home and through discussions with parents staff will use and extend their learning experiences so that the child will develop to his/her fullest potential.